Klassik Nah Dran

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20–22 June 2019

Johan­na Rup­pert is the ini­tia­tor and artis­tic direc­tor of the fes­ti­val Klas­sik nah dran. It took place for the first time in March 2017 in Zweibrücken. 

The fes­ti­val is inspired of the aim to fill young peo­ple with enthu­si­asm for clas­si­cal music with inno­v­a­tive con­cert for­mats. The pat­terns of the clas­si­cal music busi­ness are there to break with exper­i­men­tal con­cert pro­grams at untyp­i­cal con­cert venues. 

One part of the fes­ti­val is an edu­ca­tion project with three schools in Zweibrück­en in coop­er­a­tion with TONALi-TOUR. The musi­cians will play con­certs in the schools to bring clas­si­cal music clos­er to the stu­dents and awake enthu­si­asm. The organ­i­sa­tion of these con­cert is up to the pupil, they will learn the basics of cul­ture management. 

Also for the musi­cians the fes­ti­val is a chal­lenge. The con­cert for­mats are devel­oped, rehearsed and played by them­selves. It is a chance to become cre­ative and inde­pen­dent­ly in cre­at­ing and real­ize new con­cert formats.

The pupil get insights in the cre­ative process of the musi­cians and can be part of it. (vis­its of rehearsals, sup­port the imple­men­ta­tion of the con­cert formats.)

SWR2 Feature

about Klas­sik nah dran Fes­ti­val by Bar­bara Grech

SR2 Feature

about Klas­sik nah dran Fes­ti­val by Bar­bara Grech

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