
Johanna Ruppert © Franziska Zeschick
The solo violin could not have been cast better than Johanna Ruppert, a successful violinist of the younger generation, a master of the soft timbres, who brought the musical theme to the highest perfection with emotional depth and virtuosic grace.”
Bad Sodener Zeitung vom 18.09.2019 (translated from German) 


The suc­cess­ful and ver­sa­tile vio­lin­ist Johan­na Rup­pert is part of a gen­er­a­tion of young musi­cians who are look­ing for new paths in the clas­si­cal music scene.

She is the ini­tia­tor and artis­tic direc­tor of the fes­ti­val Klas­sik nah dran, which is par­tic­u­lar­ly char­ac­ter­ized by its col­lab­o­ra­tion with young peo­ple and the devel­op­ment of new for­mats. Since 2017, Johan­na Rup­pert has been a mem­ber of the Orch­ester im Trep­pen­haus. There, she leads the edu­ca­tion area Step Up and works con­cep­tu­al­ly on the orches­tra’s pro­gram as a mem­ber of the board.

As a mem­ber of the TONAL­iS­TEN agency and she looks back on sev­er­al years of con­cert expe­ri­ence in the field of education.

As a cham­ber musi­cian and soloist, she is a reg­u­lar guest at fes­ti­vals such as the PODIUM Fes­ti­val Esslin­gen, the Schleswig-Hol­stein Music Fes­ti­val, the Fest­spiele Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern, the Beethoven­fest Bonn, the Transsi­ber­ian Art Fes­ti­val, the Gezeit­enkonz­erte, the Alt­mark Fes­ti­val and the Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tionale Foun­da­tion Montaleon.

She made her debut at the Elbphil­har­monie and the Marin­sky The­ather in 2017 with the cham­ber music mono opera Anne Frank by Grig­ori Fird.

Togeth­er with Jes­si­ca Kaiser (gui­tar) she found­ed the duo Karuna in 2016. They achieved 1st prize at The North Inter­na­tion­al Music Com­pe­ti­tion and two 3rd prizes at inter­na­tion­al cham­ber music com­pe­ti­tions in Italy and Portugal.

Since 2018 she has been a reg­u­lar sub­sti­tute in the Mahler Cham­ber Orches­tra, and since 2021 she has been teach­ing at the Hochschule für Musik “FRANZ LISZT” and the Musik­gym­na­si­um Schloss Belvedere in Weimar.

Johan­na Rup­pert has won numer­ous com­pe­ti­tions, includ­ing 1st prize at the Kiwa­nis Com­pe­ti­tion in Zurich, 3rd prize at the Inter­na­tion­al Music Com­pe­ti­tion in Ham­burg, as well as a spon­sor­ship prize and the audi­ence prize at the Inter­na­tion­al Queen Sophie Char­lotte Vio­lin Com­pe­ti­tion. As a soloist she has played with the Saar­land State Orches­tra, the Jena Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra and the Gotha Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, among others.

Johan­na Rup­pert was born in Zweibrück­en in 1992 and has been play­ing the vio­lin since the age of six. She spent her last three years of school at the Musik­gym­na­si­um Schloss Belvedere in Weimar, cen­ter for high­ly gift­ed stu­dents of the Hochschule für Musik “FRANZ LISZT” in Weimar. In 2011 she began her vio­lin stud­ies with Prof. Andreas Lehmann, Nora Chas­tain and Prof. Priya Mitchell. In Feb­ru­ary 2021, she com­plet­ed her mas­ter’s degree with the high­est score. She received fur­ther musi­cal impuls­es from Thomas Bran­dis, Igor Ozim, Antje Wei­thaas, Ivry Gitlis and Natascha Prischepenko.

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